Sundays in March and April 2017 at the MAA
At the usual time on Sundays, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
(on 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th March, and on 2nd and 30th April)
Guided tour through the latest exhibition Images and Memories – the African Gourd in MAA Collections will be organized for all museum visitors from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Sunday in March and April. At the same time, at the Museum, a new series of creative workshops “The Calabash of Wisdom“ will be organized for kids age 4 to 12.
Images and Memories: the African Gourd in the Collections of the MAA (guided tour for all)
The African gourd, or calabash, constitutes what is considered to be the MAA’s collection of everyday objects. The MAA’s collection dates the mid-1960s and early 1980s. The “Images and Memories” exhibition traces the calabash across object, motif, metaphor, documentary photograph, postcards, writings in specialised literature and notes in unpublished texts – as symbol of Africa and a quintessential element of an ideal and idealised African landscape.
The Calabash of Wisdom (workshops for 4-12 year olds)
The African gourd – calabash is used for making many different objects, such as musical instruments, vessels, bowls, ladles, pipes, stamps and other. Their decoration is created using different techniques, including incised zoomorphic, floral and geometric motifs, while painted scenes of everyday life were mostly made on gourds intended as souvenirs. After seeing the objects presented at the exhibition, children will take part at the Calabash of Wisdom workshop and create their own designs in drawing and color. While decorating their gourds, children will learn about legends and different ways of using and embellishing calabashes in different African traditions.