Instagramming Life in East Africa
Photographers: Edward Echwalu, Esther Ruth Mbabazi, Sameer Satchu, Neema Jodie Ngelime, Sarah Waiswa
Exhibition curators: Pernille Baerendtsen, Edward Echwalu, Еmiliа Еpštајn
Exhibition design and catalogue graphic design: Ivana Bunuševac
Exhibition setup: Proto d.o.o. - @protobgd
Opening: Thursday, 18 April 2019, at 7 pm
at the Museum of African Art, No. 14 Аndrе Nikоlićа Street
The photographers Edward Echwalu, Neema Jodie Ngelime, Esther Ruth Mbabazi, Sameer Satchu and Sarah Waiswa are first-time exhibitors at the Museum of African Art in Belgrade. Some of them are professionally engaged in photography, some have won international awards, and others are building their careers in the field of photography. All are influencers in their virtual and real communities. Through the exhibition “Everyday Poetics” we intended to present photographers who use phones and the Instagram platform as extensions of their hands, minds and feelings. Instagram is to them an instrument of choice in their attempts to communicate as photographers, their views of the world, that is, the world as they live and see it through their quotidian, travels, as well as work assignments, which bring them to interact with a range of places and variety of people.
Catalogue excerpts:
- Our hope is that this exhibition may not only help reduce perceptions which tend to generalise what Africa is or is not, but simply that it will make you more curious on representation, nuance and diversity.
Pеrnillе Baеrеndtsеn, journalist/photographer
www.duniaduara.dk, @dunianiduara
- Never in the history of Africa has there been a period where the most photographed and shared photos are not about wars, poverty, diseases, but about everyday life on the continent, and most importantly, these stories are told by Africans.
Edward Echwalu, journalist/photographer
From the Review:
- Apparently, democracy has arrived to Africa in an unexpected way – via one of the youngest media, photography. Our small electronic companions, by pressing the blue button [follow],become our tickets into a new world where each voice can be important, if it is loud enough and if enough of us are following.
Ivаnа Тоmаnоvić, photographer, Associate Professor
at the Academy of Art, Novi Sad
Edward Echwalu
Instagram: @edward_echwalu
Web: echwalu.com
Esther Mbabazi
Instagram: @esther_mbabazi
Web: www.esthermbabazi.com
Sam Vox
Instagram: @sam.vox
Instagram: @thebongolese
Web: thebongolese.com
Sarah Waiswa
Instagram: @lafrohemien
Twitter: @LAfrohemien
Web: www.sarahwaiswa.com
Thursday, 18 April, 7 pm
Exhibition Opening
Friday, 19 April, 6 pm
EVERYDAY POETICS – Instagramming Life in East Africa
A talk with the curators: Pernille Baerendtsen (Denmark) & Edward Echwalu (Uganda)
Journalists and photographers Pernille Baerendtsen (Denmark) & Edward Echwalu (Uganda) worked on selecting the photographers and works for the exhibition in Belgrade's Museum of African Art. They will share some of their thoughts on topics of contemporary issues, trends and the state of mobile photography in East Africa Today. A curator-guided tour of the exhibition will follow the talk.
Talk moderator: Emilia Epštajn (exhibition co-curator)
The talk and guided tour are in English; entrance is free
Sunday, 21 April at 11 am
Guided tour of the exhibition EVERYDAY POETICS – Instagramming Life in East Africa
Guided by Pernille Baerendtsen (Denmark) journalist/photographer, exhibition co-curator
The guided tour is in English
Tuesday, 23 April, 5 pm
Workshop: Instagramming Life
We invite young photography enthusiasts, students, amateurs and professionals to take part in a workshop that instigates conversation on the theme of photography and Africa. Based on participants' personal photos (on their mobile phones) the moderators will guide a workshop in the direction of photography composition analysis, the messages that are communicated, possible interpretations, etc. The workshop will revolve around the current exhibition “Everyday Poetics”.
The workshop is led by Pernille Baerendse (MA African Studies; journalist/photographer, exhibition co-curator) and MAA curators: Emilia Epštajn and Ana Knežević
The workshop is in English; Entrance is free
Sunday, 5 May, 11 am
Guided tour of the exhibition “Everyday Poetics”
(Part of "Sunday at the MAA")
Sunday, 12 May, 11 am
Guided tour of the exhibition “Everyday Poetics”
(Part of "Sunday at the MAA")
Sunday, 19 May, 11 am
Guided tour of the exhibition “Everyday Poetics”
(Part of "Sunday at the MAA")
Sunday, 26 May, 11 am
Guided tour of the exhibition “Everyday Poetics”
(Part of "Sunday at the MAA")
Tuesday, 28 May, 5 pm
MAU talks: “Instagram Photography: aesthetic-poetics, trends and trendsetters”
Programme guests: Јаnа Gligоriјеvić (@ayita.halona) & Dеа Cvеtkоvić (@deacv) – art historians & Instagram photographers
Program moderators: Еmilia Еpštајn & Аnа Knеžеvić, MAA curators