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S velikim zadovoljstvom vam predstavljamo PRVO e-Izdanje Muzeja afričke umetnosti MUZEJ AFRIČKE UMETNOSTI, KONTEKSTI I REPREZENTACIJEAutorka: dr Ana Sladojević „Muzej afričke umetnosti, Konteksti i reprezentacije“ teoretičarke dr Ane Sladojević, nova je knjiga koju od 5. maja 2014. možete besplatno da download-ujete sa zvaničnog sajta Muzeja (Publikacije > E-Publikacije). Knjiga je priređena na osnovu doktorske disertacije odbranjene u okviru Grupe za teoriju umetnosti i medija, Interdisciplinarnih studija Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu, kod mentorke prof. dr Nevene Daković. Pored toga što predstavlja prvu doktorsku disertaciju koja se bavi Muzejom afričke umetnosti, zbirkom Vede i dr Zdravka Pečara, u širem kontekstu reprezentacija afričkih umetnosti, ova knjiga je ujedno i prvo isključivo elektronsko izdanje Muzeja, dostupno svima preko muzejske web prezentacije. Predgovor knjizi napisala je dr Olga Manojlović Pintar, koja o polju teorijskog promišljanja reprezentacija afričkih umetnosti kod nas kaže: Posle pionirskog projekta Dejana Sretenovića „Crno telo, bele maske“, knjiga Ane Sladojević „Muzej afričke umetnosti, Konteksti i reprezentacije“ predstavlja dragoceni doprinos toj složenoj temi. Ona je ponudila odgovore na navedena pitanja, ali i otvorila nove teme promišljanja. Razmatrajući probleme reprezentacije kultura i civilizacija Afrike, ona je jasno istakla nemogućnost simplifikovanog izjednačavanja jugoslovenske prakse sa imperijalnim politikama evropskih metropola, ali i neodrživost insistiranja na pročišćenom pristupu lišenom dominantnih kulturnih sadržaja koji su predstavljali proizvod vremena moderne. (Manojlović Pintar, 2014: viii)
Subota, 10. Maj 2014, 18hProgram: Konteksti i reprezentacijeautorka koncepcije dr Ana Sladojević Kao nastavak razmatranja tema koje se pokreću u knjizi „Muzej afričke umetnosti, Konteksti i reprezentacije“, u subotu 10. maja 2014. u 18h u Muzeju afričke umetnosti biće organizovan razgovor u kojem učestvuju dr Olga Manojlović-Pintar, naučni saradnik Instituta za noviju istoriju Srbije i dr Ana Sladojević, viši kustos, autorka koncepcije programa „Konteksti i reprezentacije“ i moderatorka ciklusa razgovora, sa gostima. Ovom diskusijom Muzej će otvoriti ciklus razgovora na temu pitanja reprezentacija drugosti, u ovom slučaju sa fokusom na reprezentacije afričkih umetnosti. Dobro došli! |
Andre Nikolića 14 Tel: + 381 11 2651 654 |
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It is our pleasure to present The Museum of African Art's FIRST E-Publication THE MUSEUM OF AFRICAN ART, CONTEXTS AND REPRESENTATIONSAuthor: Ana Sladojević, PhD “The Museum of African Art: Contexts and Representations” by art theoretician Ana Sladojević, PhD, is a new book which will be available and free to download on the Museum’s official web-site (Publications > E-Publications) on May 5th, 2014. The book is an edited version based on the doctoral dissertation defended at the Group for Theory, Arts and Media, part of the Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Arts in Belgrade, under the mentorship of Professor Nevena Daković, PhD. Apart from being the first doctoral dissertation that deals with the Museum of African Art: the Veda and dr Zdravko Pečar Collection, in the wider context of African arts representations, this book is at the same time the first exclusively electronic publication of the Museum, available to all on the museum’s web page. The Forward to the book was written by Olga Manojlović Pintar, PhD, who in the field of the theoretical considerations of African arts representations in Serbia, states the following: Succeeding the pioneering project of Dejan Sretenović “Black Body, White Masks”, the book by Ana Sladojević, “The Museum of African Art: Contexts and Representations”, is a valuable contribution to this complex issue. She has offered answers to the mentioned questions, but at the same time opened new topics for consideration. By deliberating on the problems of the representation of the cultures and civilisations of Africa, she has clearly underlined the impossibility of simplified equalisation of Yugoslav practices with the imperialistic politics of European metropolises, as well as the unsustainability of insisting on a filtered approach devoid of dominant cultural content that were the product of modernist times. (Manojlović Pintar, 2014: viii)
Saturday, May 10th, 2014, 6 pmProgramme: Contexts and RepresentationsConcept by Ana Sladojević, PhD With the aim of continuing the deliberation on some of the topics that the book “The Museum of African Art: Contexts and Representations” tackles, on Saturday, May 10th 2014 at 6 pm, the Museum of African Art will host a talk with Olga Manojlović Pintar, PhD, Research Associate at the Institute for Contemporary Serbian History and Ana Sladojević, PhD, senior curator, author and chair of the talk series, with guests. This discussion will open a series of talks on the subject of the representations of the Other, in this case with special attention to the representations of African arts. We warmly invite you to join us. |
Andre Nikolića 14 Tel: + 381 11 2651 654 |
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